Your staff members are an integral part of delivering an exceptional care service. Regular supervisions and annual appraisals are key to ensuring your team feels supported and to allow managers to deal with any concerns in a fair, consistent and timely manner.
As part of being effective you need to make sure your staff have the relevant support and skills in order to carry out their role. Included in this package is a training needs analysis so you can review what training your staff require to meet the individual needs of your service.
This package includes the following documents:
- Appraisal Form
- Appraisal Record Spreadsheet
- Criminal Record Annual Self Declaration
- DBS Risk Assessment
- Driving Licence and Vehicle Check Form
- Employee Emergency Contact Details
- Fit and Proper Person – Director Declaration
- Induction Feedback Questionnaire
- Performance Improvement Plan
- Performance Improvement Plan Review
- Personal Development Plan
- Spot Check Form
- Staff Absence Record Form
- Staff Exit Questionnaire
- Suggestion Slips
- Supervision Record Form
- Supervision Record Spreadsheet Template
- Training Evaluation Form (Annual)
- Training Needs Analysis Template
- Use of Staff Photographs Consent Form
The list of documents above is an example, some documents may differ depending on your service type.
Documents will be sent via e-mail and we aim to deliver your documents within 48 hours. Documents are in editable Word format unless otherwise stated. If you require your logo adding to your documents this can be done for an additional charge. Please allow up to three working days for delivery. Please note that we only sell to care services that are either registering or already registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). If you are purchasing for any other reason then please contact us prior to your purchase. All purchased documentation is for exclusive use at your organisation, any use outside of this could be an infringement of copyright.
Staff Management Documents Package
We provide a free logo insert service on all documents purchased.